Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Trovato in Firenze.

PANDA PANDA PANDA-palooza cars found everywhere! I have a collection of Panda car/van pics! More up lata!

E Grace Jones, betch!!

Someone musta missed Rome?

Monday, January 19, 2009

I Miei Ristoranti Preferiti


Non ho mai avuto il cibo così tanto italiano nella mia vita!! L'amo, ma non penso che lo potrei mangiare di tutti i giorni. Ho bisogno della varietà, ma questi sono i miei favoriti in Firenze:

Quando quando lei corre basso i soldi, ma tuttavia volere il cibo delizioso (**e hanno 'take-away')

IL RISGORMENTO, chiamiamo nostre BFF's, perché siamo lì molto :P 

Via Pisana, 118/r   Tel. 005.220895

TRATTORIA DELL'ORTO, Eravamo portati qui per il nostro primo pranzo di FIT con Professoressa Bertoletti. Abbiamo avuto un molto riempendo 8 pasto di corso! 
Via Dell'Orto 35/A     Tel.  39.055.224248

SBARCO PIRATI, Il primo ristorante che abbiamo cenati in Firenze, e molto davano il benvenuto! Il più, il grande cibo! OH, e una belly -dancer!(the first restaurant we had dinner in Firenze and they were very welcoming! Plus, great food!)
Viale Raffaello Sanzio, 6      Tel. 055.2298587

Friday, January 16, 2009


Home of Michelangelo's David. Enormous. As you have learned it is proportionally off, such as it's slightly larger hands and head. This is true to fact, very visible in it's true form. David used to be placed on a higher platform, so from a viewer looking upward the distortions become proportionate, but since platform has been cut down the proportions become more disfigured. The attention to detail is mind boggling, from the pulsing veins in his hands to the dips of his ribcage. (I snuck some pics from my camera phone) 

Cupid and Venus, by Jacopo Carucci, inspired from Michelangelo's cartoon, was my most favorite piece of the Galleria dell'Accademia. It's a story of:
"Michelangelo was a love poet and a friend of the patron, so we should expect the symbolism to be subtle, ambiguous and complex. Venus and Cupid kiss. Venus points to her heart wit her left hand, and her right, possible to an altar to Venus decorated with masks, Cupid's bow, a pile of arrows, a bowl of roses and a statuette of a wounded man. Perhaps she is not pointing but rather stealing one of Cupid's arrows, which may explain why she glances slyly back at them. The other arrows spill from his quiver, heads down, possibly wounding Venus' thigh. 

The figures are so cleverly interlocked that it is not clear who is deceiving whom, or the nature of the love represented. This may be a version of the story of Venus disarming Cupid, a frequent subject in this period. Or it may be the episode recounted in Ovid's Metamorphosis, when as Venus kisses Cupid she is unwittingly wounded by one of his arrows and falls in love with Adonis. " --royalcollection.org.uk 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mercato Centrale.

Very similar to our Chelsea Market back home in New York, is Mercato Centrale here in Florence. Even though I have never been to the Chelsea Market, I would imagine that they would not have some of the things I have seen here. I have seen these kind of slaughters (excuse my vocab) in the Filipino Markets, so it wasn't shocking to me as it was to the other students. In Italy everything is fresh to begin with, so Mercato Centrale is one step before that and extraordianarly fresh. At one point during lunch I'm pretty sure we heard birds squawking and animals moo-ing to save their lives. Although, I avoid these departments in the Filipino markets because, it is too much for my stomach and mentality to handle, but for the sake of this assignment I sucked it up and took these lovely photos for you. 

Compiti: Fare due elenci di che cose mangiara e non mangiara. (Homework: To make two lists of what things you would eat and not eat.)

GUSTOSO (tasty)
-La Frutta, funghi, pomodoro silicani secchi, vino, salume, fiore, tortellini, formaggio e biscotti.

NON GUSTOSO (not tasty)
-YES, that 3rd picture..it is what it looks like. Sorry it's 2 other friends don't come in a set. Zampone classico puro suino(pig's leg/hoof), Bottarga di Muggine (tongue), Bresaola di Cavallo (horse breast), Mussetto cotto di Vitella (cow face), L'amredotto cotto nostrale, teste maile (pig head), orecchie maile (pig ear) e galletto livonesa (rooster)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Palazzo di Pitti. Holler.

Il Palazzo di Pitti, un castello opprimente, che abitava Italia famiglia potente, il Medici, e poi Napoleon. Ma il Medici predomina vissuto in questa casa per i secoli. Senza fine gli ammontare di dettagli decorati, ogni pollice quadrato era bello, anche la polvere era dei probabilmente residui di oro. Il Palazzo è stato diventato un culmine di musei, alcuni per esempio che erano incluso sono i lavori dal Rinascimento, l'Arte Moderna, ed il Museo di Costume. I Giardini di Boboli, il loro cortile posteriore, è un'altra caratteristica del Palazzo. Sorprendentemente la mia parte preferita vedeva le camere da letto e come erano preparati. Era un po'misterioso, ma mi ha dato un senso del loro vivere. Il secondo favorito, era la galleria di costume.
(Pitti Palace, an overwhelming mansion, which used to inhabit Italy's powerful family, the Medici's, and then Napoleon. But the Medici's predominately lived in this house for centuries. Endless amounts of ornate details, every square inch was beautiful, even the dust was probably remnants of gold. The Palace has been turned into a culmination of museums, some for example that were included are the works from the Renaissance, Modern Art, and Costume Museum. The Boboli Gardens, their backyard, is another feature of the Palace. Surprisingly my favorite part was seeing the bedrooms and how they were set up. It was a little eerie, but it gave me a sense of their living. Second favorite, was the costume gallery.) 

No photos were allowed, so these are from the internet to give ya an idea. 

Palazzo di Pitti

Boboli Gardens 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vacanze Romane.

So it turns out that our Hostel was amazing, 'cause it originally was supposed to be 5 of us girls, but one bailed and it turned out to be 4. The original room for 5 was under construction, so they gave us the new renovated room in the new building, which was a 3 bedroom apartment. AMAZING. A great start I must say. We walked around and familiarized ourself with the city, saw the Piazza Venezia, Piazza di Spagna, Via del Corso and just the other sites. Oh! and the Fontana di Trevi! Gorgeous. Circa Dolca Vita. I guess we created a mob paparazzi scene. All the high school kids were pretty much jumping on us. They thought Dyne and Kaitlyn looked like Brenda Song and Ashley Tissdale. Hahhhhhh. Followed by a home-made dinner and bottles of wine to celebrate Roma! Nothing too heavy. 

Second day, Sunday was our busiest day, we were going to try and fit all of the sites in. It could not have been more of a perfect day in Rome. The sun was shining and people didn't have their  First stop was to the Colosseo, the lighting worked so well to take photos with. Even though I had a stinky digital it still worked out alright. I was very excited to use my Polaroid in taking pictures of these historic sites! We, also saw the Pantheon, mmm I'm forgetting now all the other places we went to. heh. It's unbelievable to me how these structures are still in such great shape considering how many centuries old they are. I can't grasp the fact that people actually roamed that land as everyday life... I'm going to the Colosseum to watch the Emperor slay someone today. How insane. The most impressive, is the art. Seeing pictures and learning about these paintings in class don't do anything justice. By physically seeing these, it becomes even more astonishing. I feel like our generation will not leave that much of a cultural impact. Well maybe not as rich of an impact, as to any classical work.

Nightlife. What's to do on a Sunday night? Everything is usually lame. Not this time around. We actually joined in on a Pubcrawl.... we met at the Spanish Steps at 17:00.... and that's when things started to become blurry and out of control. That was my first time doing it, and it was pretty crazy. We met so many people from everywhere, and even met a girl who was in my cheerleading district and knew people from my school. Talk about 8 degrees of separation! We jumped around from 4 bars scattered throughout Rome. Upon entering each place you had to take a shot at the door. Sweet. Keeping this blog G rated since it is for class. All-in-all we all had a pretty memorable/not memorable night. 

(Sopra)Bocca della Verita(Mouth of Truth) and the remains of where the Chariot races took place. 

Italiano Parte: (work in progress)Con la nostra uno tre giorno fine settimana, abbiamo deciso andare a Roma. Era una fine settimana perfetta! Il hostelo quello abbiamo stato era bellisima, abbiamo avuto il edificio a nostre! 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Lectura Una

Lindsay ha i capelli rossi, lunghi e ricci. Ha alta e snella. Una ragazza di dicotto anni. Ha gli occhi verdi e il naso regolare e con labbra piccola. E molta simpatica, socievole e sempre di buon umore. Suo preferito colore e verde. Anche e studia a moda a FIT. 

(Lindsay has red hair, long and curly. She is tall and slender. She is a girl of eighteen years. She has green eyes and a regular nose and with small lips. She is very kinda, sociable and always in a good mood. Her favorite color is green. Also, she studies fashion design at FIT. 


Questa mattina, mia classe e io abbiamo fatto corsa di autobus scenica bellisima a Fiesole, alla Fiesole Musei. E uno parco archeologico di Etrusco, Romane e Longobard rovine regolare nelle colline di Toscana. Il cose ho vedutto primo, era teatro Romano, con gradi e gradi di posti tutt'intorno, la meta circondando il palcoscenico al fondo. Era un po' vede in anteprima di ciò che era entrare il mio fine settimana in Roma. 

(This morning, we took a gorgeous scenic bus ride up the hill to Fiesole, to the Fiesole Musei. It is an archaeological park of the Etruscan, Roman and Longobard ruins set in the hills of Toscana. The first thing I saw was, the Roman theatre, with tiers and tiers of seats all set around, half encompassing the stage at the bottom. It was a little preview of what was to come of my weekend in Roma.)

Past the theater, and scattered around were remains of the baths, and hot and cold saunas. From my understanding, they were used for religious ceremonies. After exploring the park and climbing the ruins, we set foot inside the Museum with the artifacts discovered from the site. After the Museum, we had lunch at Caffe Teatra right inside the park, provided by FIT, holler. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Il Mio Primo Giorno di Firenze.


Ho arrivato ieri sera, a sono le otto di sera. Viaggiariamo per un tiempo lungo. Oggi, era mio primo giorno interno di Firenze. Tutti sono bellisimo! Anche i bambini sono piu belli di bambini americani, e bambini seguire la moda.  

Le mie amiche nuove e io siamo andate al Duomo, ieri. Abbiamo passeggiato alle Ponte Vecchio era una vista bella! Ho avuto fame, ma ho non fatto niento, perche amaevo la citta di Firenze. 

(english translation): 

I arrived last night at 8PM. We traveled for a long time. Today, was my first day around Florence. It is all so beautiful! Also the kids are more beautiful than the American kids, they keep up with the fashion. 

My new friends and I went to the Duomo yesterday. We walked the Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge) and it's a beautiful view! I was hungry, but I did not care because I was loving the city of Florence.