Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vacanze Romane.

So it turns out that our Hostel was amazing, 'cause it originally was supposed to be 5 of us girls, but one bailed and it turned out to be 4. The original room for 5 was under construction, so they gave us the new renovated room in the new building, which was a 3 bedroom apartment. AMAZING. A great start I must say. We walked around and familiarized ourself with the city, saw the Piazza Venezia, Piazza di Spagna, Via del Corso and just the other sites. Oh! and the Fontana di Trevi! Gorgeous. Circa Dolca Vita. I guess we created a mob paparazzi scene. All the high school kids were pretty much jumping on us. They thought Dyne and Kaitlyn looked like Brenda Song and Ashley Tissdale. Hahhhhhh. Followed by a home-made dinner and bottles of wine to celebrate Roma! Nothing too heavy. 

Second day, Sunday was our busiest day, we were going to try and fit all of the sites in. It could not have been more of a perfect day in Rome. The sun was shining and people didn't have their  First stop was to the Colosseo, the lighting worked so well to take photos with. Even though I had a stinky digital it still worked out alright. I was very excited to use my Polaroid in taking pictures of these historic sites! We, also saw the Pantheon, mmm I'm forgetting now all the other places we went to. heh. It's unbelievable to me how these structures are still in such great shape considering how many centuries old they are. I can't grasp the fact that people actually roamed that land as everyday life... I'm going to the Colosseum to watch the Emperor slay someone today. How insane. The most impressive, is the art. Seeing pictures and learning about these paintings in class don't do anything justice. By physically seeing these, it becomes even more astonishing. I feel like our generation will not leave that much of a cultural impact. Well maybe not as rich of an impact, as to any classical work.

Nightlife. What's to do on a Sunday night? Everything is usually lame. Not this time around. We actually joined in on a Pubcrawl.... we met at the Spanish Steps at 17:00.... and that's when things started to become blurry and out of control. That was my first time doing it, and it was pretty crazy. We met so many people from everywhere, and even met a girl who was in my cheerleading district and knew people from my school. Talk about 8 degrees of separation! We jumped around from 4 bars scattered throughout Rome. Upon entering each place you had to take a shot at the door. Sweet. Keeping this blog G rated since it is for class. All-in-all we all had a pretty memorable/not memorable night. 

(Sopra)Bocca della Verita(Mouth of Truth) and the remains of where the Chariot races took place. 

Italiano Parte: (work in progress)Con la nostra uno tre giorno fine settimana, abbiamo deciso andare a Roma. Era una fine settimana perfetta! Il hostelo quello abbiamo stato era bellisima, abbiamo avuto il edificio a nostre! 

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't doubt how overwhelming this must have been for you, seeing all the art that you would just usually hear/see about in class or movies!

    Colosseo! Been dreaming of going there since seeing the movie JUMPER... haha hey don't hate, I'm not as educated with these things. Only one term of Art History!!!
